Tabling Rules and Policies

Tabling Rules and Policies 

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), Sport Clubs and ASUCD units that violate these rules and campus policy are referred to OSSJA. Departments/Non-Profits with tabling violations are referred to the Memorial Union Director and tabling rights may be revoked.

  • Reservation Rules
  • - Tables are available for disseminating literature and information, recruiting members, and approved fundraising activities only.
    - Permit to Sell and Fundraising approval must be clearly displayed.
    - Groups can only reserve one table per day. Multiple reservations by a group for the same day will be canceled and reported to OSSJA.
    - Groups must have a member present at the table during the reservation.
    - Groups cannot turn the reservation over to another group.
    - Groups cannot table at unauthorized locations (such as the flag pole or coho patio).
    - Groups must cancel or claim their table by 12noon otherwise it counts as a “no-show’ violation.
  • Tabling Rules
  • - EH&S Bakesale guidelines must be adhered to. Baked goods purchased and resold (donuts) are not permitted unless repacked with value-added (i.e sticker or ribbon).
    - CSI approved fundraising is permitted. Re-selling of commercial items is prohibited on campus, but may be considered when the item is altered (i.e.  flowers with a message; DIY mixed candy package) so that the club adds value to the item.
    - Amplified sound is not permitted at the tabling tables. Amplified sound is only approved for MU South Patio or Quad reservations made through and approved by Conference and Event Services only for MU South Patio and Quad.  However, devices (computers/phones) can play music as long as no portable or Bluetooth speakers are used. 
    - Pop-up tents or structures over tables of any kind are not permitted as they block the free flow of egress between the tables - per UCD Fire Marshal.
    - No posting or chalking is permitted on walls, windows, doors, trees, or receptacles around the table, but posters may be attached to the table. Please remove all tape and zip ties from the tables once finished (as cited in UC Davis PPM 310-27).
    - Displays and activities associated with the table reservation cannot block the free flow of traffic or encroach on another table.
    Examples include:
    Bikes may not be leaned against the tables or trees.
    Stands/signs/A-frames cannot block the walkways between or in front of tables.
  • Pieing Fundraiser
  • If you are hosting a "Pie-in-the-Face" Fundraising event, please the following guidelines:
             - Reserve the MU South Patio. You can NOT host a Pie-in-the-Face event at the MU Tables. 
             - Submit an Application to Raise funds with CSI.
             - Use shaving cream rather than whipped cream, as whipped cream needs to be kept chilled.
             - Provide safety goggles for participants.
             - Have participants sign a waiver.
             - Use paper plates.
             - Must place a tarp or trash bags on the ground to keep the area clean and slip-free.
  • Tabling Violations
  • Tables are monitored by the Memorial Union Information Desk Staff. 
    Permit to Sell and Fundraising approval must be clearly displayed.
    Tabling violations are submitted to CSI/OSSJA. 
  • Principles of Community
  • UC Davis upholds its commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency towards all individuals by adhering to the Principles of Community. These aspirational principles guide the behavior of every member of our community, including those who participate in tabling activities at the Memorial Union & Silo tables.

    The Memorial Union & Silo tables offer Registered Student Organizations, Departments and Non-Profits an opportunity to share information. In line with our commitment to the Principles of Community, we expect all individuals involved in tabling to acknowledge, value, and practice these guiding principles. By doing so, we can ensure a respectful and inclusive environment that fosters diversity and promotes equity.

    - We affirm the dignity inherent in all of us, and we strive to maintain a climate of equity and justice demonstrated by respect for one another. We acknowledge that our society carries within it historical and deep-rooted injustices and biases. Therefore, we endeavor to foster mutual understanding and respect among the many parts of our whole.

    - We affirm the right of freedom of expression within our community.  We affirm our commitment to non-violent exchange and the highest standards of conduct and decency toward all. Within this context we reject violence in all forms. We promote open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity and respect.  We further recognize the right of every individual to think, speak, express and debate any idea limited only by university regulations governing time, place and manner.

    - We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender expression, age, visible and non-visible disability, nationality, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, religious/non-religious, spiritual, or political beliefs, socio-economic class, status within or outside the university, or any of the other differences among people which have been excuses for misunderstanding, dissension or hatred.  We recognize and cherish the richness contributed to our lives by our diversity.  We take pride in all our achievements, and we celebrate our differences.