Image of flagpole on UC Davis quad with United States and California state flag at full-staff and University of California flag at half-staff.

In Memoriam of Geohaira Sosa

The University of California flag is flown at half-staff at the Memorial Union, Mrak Hall and the UC Davis Airport for three days to honor deceased students, staff, faculty and faculty emeriti. When the flag is at half-staff, a memorial card is posted on the flagpole to recognize the memory of that individual.

The flag is being flown at half-staff from September 23th - September 25th, 2024 to honor:

Geohaira Sosa
Resident Physician I/REP
MED: Interns & Residents
November 6th, 1991 - August 29th, 2024

Media Resources

Image of flagpole on UC Davis quad with United States and California state flag at full-staff and University of California flag at half-staff.